Saturday, February 13, 2021



The tooth sensitivity is a situation in which the teeth react in a way abnormal to the presence of thermal stimuli, both hot and cold This situation is called dental hypersensitivity, explains the dentist in Janakpuri.

First of all, the tissues that form the tooth must be taken into account in order to understand sensitivity.

  • The crown is the chewing part of the tooth, that is to say normally the part that we see when we open our mouth.
  • The root is the part that is attached to the bone and gum and is not normally seen.

The crown is covered on the outside by enamel. A very hard and protective fabric. In the internal part it has dentin, a softer tissue with tubules that communicate the external part of the tooth with the nerve. The dentin also continues through the root.

Along the tooth there is also the canal or canals, depending on the type of tooth, which carry inside the nervous-vascular bundle that is responsible for the transmission of thermal changes.


The most common causes are the following.


As a tooth decay advances through the dentin and approaches the nerve, the patient will notice an increase in sensitivity in the tooth, and if it continues to advance, pain, says the dentist in Uttam Nagar.


When the bone due to this disease begins to lose height, and sometimes the gum is accompanying it in its loss, the root is left without protection and the cement is a very fine tissue that easily transmits thermal stimuli, so it will appear from a localized hypersensitivity or sometimes more extensive and generalized, explains the dentist in Vikaspuri.


The bruxism is a situation in which the patient strong squeezes the jaws, sometimes makes lateral movements at the time of tightening and therefore may occur, pain masticatory muscle pain, temporomandibular joint and tooth wear ranging from occlusal cervical wear near the gingival line and gingival recession. This situation is also very common in the appearance of tooth sensitivity, states the dentist in Janakpuri.


The treatments at dental clinic in Janakpuri have to be directed in two directions.

  • You have to treat the cause, if there are cavities, you have to eliminate it and fill the space, if it is periodontal disease, treat it to control it. And if there is bruxism, treat it with the possibilities we have, discharge splints, physiotherapy, etc. In these cases, and mainly in periodontal disease, with the treatment we will not eliminate the sensitivity, so we will have to do a treatment specifically directed to the sensitivity, explains the dentist in Uttam Nagar.
  • Initiating conservative treatments, the most common, would be to use desensitizing pastes, mouthwashes, or gels. They tend to have a late onset of action and this can make the patient despair and not continue the treatment, but today they are quite successful, says the dentist in Janakpuri.

If the situation does not improve and there is localized hypersensitivity, the final and undesirable option is endodontics. It would be the devitalization and treatment of the tooth canals.

Although dentist in Janakpuri insist that it would be the last option.

Sometimes sensitivity appears after dental hygiene, this occurs because the tartar deposited in the root area of ​​the tooth is protecting it from thermal stimuli. This sensitivity usually disappears in a few days without treatment, although desensitizers can be used if necessary, says the dentist in Delhi.

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