Thursday, February 28, 2019

4 Tips to Combat Bruxism


Bruxism is the unintentional habit of clenching or chewing your teeth. Currently, more than 60% of Indians suffer from it, but why do we clench our teeth unintentionally? Dentist in Tilak Nagar explains what bruxism is and how to improve our oral health.

The bruxism may be daytime, i.e., clench your teeth unconsciously throughout the day and night bruxism, which inadvertently clench our teeth when sleeping, especially as a matter of stress.

According to Dentist in Janakpuri, Bruxism can be mild and may even not require treatment. However, it can be regular and bad enough to cause jaw disorders, headaches, damaged teeth and other problems.

Therefore, it is important to know the signs, symptoms and complications that can be generated in our mouth.

The signs and symptoms of the bruxism
  • To twist or clench your teeth so hard as to wake up a couple when sleeping, or without sound, just pressure.
  • Lately you see your teeth more worn, flattened, fractured or chipped.
  • You have worn out tooth enamel making the deeper layers of the tooth visible.
  • As a consequence of the previous one, dental sensitivity increases.
  • Pain in the jaw or stiffness in the muscles of the jaw.
  • As a result of the mandibular contractions, earaches, headaches, chronic facial pain may arise.
Possible causes of bruxism
  • Increased anxiety or stress can lead to teeth grinding.
  • An abnormal alignment of the upper and lower teeth, which we know technically as malocclusion.
  • Stimulant substances: tobacco, the consumption of drinks with caffeine or alcohol can increase the risk of bruxism.
Techniques to improve and avoid bruxism

Stress control: Advise yourself on relaxation techniques, such as exercise or professional meditation. In the case of the youngest ones, if they suffer from nocturnal bruxism, try to relax them with a warm bath before going to bed and reading their favourite story.

Discharge splints: A splint is a removable device usually made with hard, semi-rigid or soft acrylic resin, depending on the objectives we pursue. These devices are usually placed, also frequently, in the teeth of the upper arch, although they can also be placed in the lower part of the mouth to prevent damage to the teeth.

Orthodontics: Correcting misaligned teeth at Dental Clinic in Janakpuri can help reduce bruxism if it is related to this problem.

Ceramic Covers: In the most serious cases, when the wear of the teeth is more and more accused, this solution is resorted to by Dentist in Uttam Nagar. This will not prevent the patient from continuing to have bruxism but it will improve their quality of life and their aesthetics.

If you think you suffer from bruxism, do not forget to go to your Dental Clinic in Uttam Nagar so that the professional can diagnose this disorder and solve it as soon as possible.

Monday, February 25, 2019


One of the main oral problems in our country are periodontal diseases. According to a recent study, eight out of ten people over 35 suffer from gingivitis or periodontitis. Although the main theme in today's post is dental curettage in order to first carve out the main inequalities that these two pathologies present.


What are the differences between gingivitis and periodontitis?

Gingivitis is the mildest. Its treatment is based on proper oral hygiene and Oral Cleaning.

Periodontitis is also known as pyorrhoea. This pathology can cause irreparable damage to teeth and gums.

In the first phase of the disease appears gingivitis.

According to best dentist in Tilak Nagar, this problem is the result of inadequate oral hygiene. The lack of hygiene or a bad brushing produces an accumulation of bacteria due to the fact that the remains of food are not extracted correctly. The main symptoms that show are bleeding, inflammation and redness of the gums. If this initial problem is not corrected in time, it will expand, occupy more healthy tissue and produce receding gums; appearing periodontitis. This fact in turn will give rise to sensitivity, negatively impacting the aesthetics of the teeth. In many cases this circumstance causes the loss of these.

Thus, we can see that if it is a gingivitis can be corrected with proper oral hygiene. In case of being the most serious pathology, that is to say the periodontitis it will be necessary a suitable treatment like a scaling and root planing, says Dentist in Uttam Nagar.

What is a scaling and root planing?

Scratching and root isolation is known as dental curettage. It is a dental system that is performed in pyorrhoea treatments. This is carried out when the disease has spread to the inside of the gums, causing periodontal pockets, says Dentist in Janakpuri.

What does it consist of?

It is done using devices called curettes. These curettes are divided according to their function; since they differ in size, length and angulation as well as dental pieces: incisors, canines, premolars or molars. The first step is to access the periodontal pockets. To do this, it is necessary to scrape the gums and then remove the tartar stored below them and proceed to smoothing the root of the tooth.

Does a dental curettage hurt?

According to dentist in Tilak Nagar, the dental scraping and smoothing do not cause pain since it is done under the effects of anaesthesia. This is applied locally at Dental Clinic in Uttam Nagar. However, usually the first symptoms of pain appear after the process is finished and the anaesthesia has stopped working. In this way we can say that dental curettage hurts once the intervention is finished. In case dental curettage presents complications, you can consult with the dentist about the medication to be taken. In this way, altogether we can say that dental curettage has no side effects or hurts.

The dental curettage how often is it done?

A complete procedure of these characteristics, as a general rule, is carried out in two sessions at Dental Clinic in Janakpuri. The first two-hour session deals with the study of curettage in two parts of the mouth. The second session is held after a few days and its duration is one hour. It proceeds to the scraping and root planing in the other two parts of the mouth.

Is this procedure expensive?

The dental curettage and price depend on the dental clinic responsible for carrying out this intervention. In our Dental Clinic in Janakpuri we have affordable prices for this type of treatment.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Dental Sensitivity and Cold

Dental sensitivity and cold
With the arrival of winter, that cold air characteristic of the winter season makes its appearance. For many people only, the fact of breathing causes them real dental discomfort. These discomforts can be caused by cavities or by receding gums, among other factors. Currently, this unpleasant situation is suffered by 7 out of 10 people in adulthood and are mainly women between the ages of 18 and 40, says best dentist in Tilak Nagar.

Do your teeth suffer sensitivity to cold?
According to Dentist in Janakpuri, the main reason why your teeth are sensitive to cold is because the dentine has lost its protective shell. It is usually under the protection of the gum, a mesenchymal tissue known as root cement and tooth enamel. When unprotected, it is exposed to the negative reactions of external factors. Dentin is made up of a large number of tiny tubes that are known by the name of dentinal tubules. These tubes have the mission of connecting the outer face of the teeth with their nerve endings.

For what reasons does this tooth sensitivity occur?
The dental sensitivity, as mentioned above appears for the lack of protection in the dentin. Also, the causes that produce this protective loss can be as a consequence of different reasons:

If a caries reaches the heart of the dentine, filtering through the tooth enamel, it will result in a painful reaction to cold, hot or acidic foods or drinks.

Damaged dental pieces
As in the previous case, if the dentin is damaged when a tooth is broken or splintered, it will result in teeth sensitive to cold or heat.

Receding gums
This anomaly of the gums can be the result of bad brushing or a periodontal pathology.

Damaged tooth enamel
An extremely abrasive toothpaste, the use of an inadequate toothbrush or suffering from bruxism are the main causes of tooth enamel in poor condition.

Is there treatment for tooth sensitivity?
The best dental treatment for dental sensitivity is in ourselves. Maintaining a healthy diet, avoiding abuse of overly acidic foods and beverages such as citrus juices, wine or vinegars. Similarly, avoiding habits of bad behaviour, such as using a toothpick, smoking or drinking in large quantities, will help us avoid any kind of sensitivity in the teeth, says dentist in Tilak Nagar. A correct oral hygiene, using a toothpaste and specific rinses, designed for sensitivity, will allow us to avoid various oral problems. In the same way, periodic visits to the Dental Clinic in Janakpuri will avoid dental sensitivity with their treatment.

Is there something more behind the sensitivity in the teeth?
According to Dentist in Uttam Nagar, besides feeling sensitivity in the teeth, this ailment can hide other diseases of greater importance. This sensitivity can be the voice of alarm before the appearance of an untreated caries. At the same time, the gums whose main function is to protect the teeth, can neglect this function, warning us through hypersensitivity of the presence of gingivitis or periodontitis. Another alarm situation can occur when teeth are misaligned or stacked. As a result, one of the teeth can leave the dentine unprotected, warning us in turn that we need orthodontic treatment or Dental Implants in Uttam Nagar.

If you feel discomfort in the teeth with the cold;
We recommend a comprehensive review from the Dental Clinic in Uttam Nagar, which will analyse the state in which your teeth are found, as well as the rest of the components of your oral cavity.